If you can't find information about an item in the listing, then please contact the seller. Most sellers will be happy to answer your questions. You can also contact a seller that you are transacting with or have previously purchased from.
How to contact a seller to ask questions about an item
- Click on the item you are interested in.
- Scroll down below the "Buy" or "Rent" button and you'll see the name of the seller.
- Click "Contact" and send a message to them.
How to contact a seller you have already purchased from
- Navigate to Settings> Transactions.
- Find the relevant transaction and click on the "Status" of that transaction.
- Send a message in the "Write a reply" section.
- Click on "Inbox" where all conversations are stored.
- Find the seller or conversation you want to respond to.
- Click on the previous conversation to continue that discussion. Please note, clicking on "About listing" will take you to the listing in question, or:
- Click on the seller's name and "Contact" to start a new conversation.
It is not possible to remove conversations from your inbox.