It's important to note that we will only offer a refund if your purchase doesn’t significantly match the condition, size and brand description provided by the seller, or if the item is torn or damaged.
AirRobe doesn't offer refunds if you've changed your mind about an item. Please make sure to double-check the item will fit before purchasing, as sizing can vary between brands. An accurate size guide is included in the item description but if you're unfamiliar with the brand, then we suggest you take some time to research its sizing guide. If you’re still uncertain, then contact the seller for some more measurements.
If you receive an item that doesn't significantly match the description in the listing or it's in poor condition, then please let us know there's a problem with an order by opening a dispute. AirRobe will launch an investigation and if a default or misrepresentation is confirmed, we will offer a full refund (item cost plus original shipping cost). As part of the investigation, we may require the item to be returned to either the seller or to us. If you do not post the return by the specified date, we may close the dispute without a refund.
Refunds will be processed to the original payment method and normally take between 2-5 business days to be received.
AirRobe does not cover any losses you may incur due to changes in the currency exchange rate.