Items on AirRobe may be available for shipping, free local pick-up or both. The delivery options available, as well as the shipping cost will be displayed in the listing. If you select local pick-up, you can contact the seller to organise a time and location for the pick-up after they accept your order.
Shipping time will depend on the location of the seller, the carrier and the service that the seller uses. You can find the item location in the map in the listing, if the seller has entered the suburb.
If you or any of the items you are purchasing are located overseas, please keep in mind that international items may take longer to arrive than domestic items. You are also responsible for paying any customs duties or import taxes. The seller may choose not to deliver to your location by rejecting your purchase request if they don't want to ship to the country you are located in.
You can contact the seller if you need to discuss the pick-up process or shipping method prior to purchasing the item. Find out how to contact the seller.
How to view the shipping information in a listing
- Click on the item you are interested in.
- Underneath the item price is the delivery method and cost.
- The delivery method can be Shipping and/or Pick-up.
- Beside Shipping is the cost. Shipping (+A$0) means free shipping. Shipping (+A$10) means you pay $10 in addition to the item price. Pick-up is free.
- Underneath the seller's name, contact button and feedback (if applicable) is a map with the item location. If there is no map, then the seller has not included this information in their listing.